Wednesday 18 March 2009

Eat meat sparingly?

(I know we are on the S&S, but before we actually post on that, here's a few more thoughts on our last book.)

The following reconfirms the wisdom taught to eat meat sparingly:

Pollan quotes rancher Rich Blair:

"In my grandfather's time, cows were four or five years old at slaughter. In the fifties, when my father was ranching, it was two or three years old. Now we get there at fourteen to sixteen months."

So basically, from birth to 14/16 months, a calf goes from 80lbs to 1,100 lbs, thanks to a diet of corn, protein, fat supplements and new drugs. No grass. I'm thinking if the human race didn't feel the need to consume meat so often, perhaps greater quality and care would go into rearing cattle.

The following also made me sad:

"Weaning is perhaps the most traumatic time on a ranch for animals and ranchers alike; cows separated from their calves will mope and bellow for days, and the calves, stressed by the change in circumstances and diet, are prone to getting sick. "

Calves are weaned for the following reasons: to allow their mothers to have more calves, and to get the calves ready for the feedlot.

The whole mother/calf separation... I know they are cows, but it makes me sad.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

That made me sad too! I really do care about cows and how they are treated.

A few years ago I tried not eating any beef at all. I think I lasted maybe 6 months but ever since I try to only have beef 1-2 times a month (or less). I don't know what is exactly meant by "sparingly" but to me that seemed appropriate. I am kind of grossed out how much beef our country consumes.

The other day my in laws were at In-N-Out here in Vegas and the people behind them were telling them to order "the animal"- it is like 8 beef patties on one burger. Seriously? That is just so wrong.